ICG Members
John M. Archibald
ICG Director, Professor and Arthur B. McDonald Research Chair of Excellence, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Research Interests
microbial comparative genomics; endosymbiosis; organelle evolution
Robert G. Beiko
Professor (Bioinformatics) and Associate Dean (Research), Faculty of Computer Science
Research Interests
Microbial genomes and metagenomes; geospatial / temporal analysis of microbial communities; simulation
Erin Bertrand
Associate Professor and Tier II Canada Research Chair, Department of Biology
Research Interests
Ocean biogeochemistry; phytoplankton; proteomics
Joseph P. Bielawski
Professor, Department of Biology, and Department of Mathematics and Statistics
Microbial phylogenomics; (ii) marine microbial ecogenomics; statistical modeling of molecular evolution
Zhenyu Cheng
Associate Professor, Department of Microbiology & Immunology and Cystic Fibrosis Canada Early Career Investigator
Antibiotic persistence; cancer biology; microbial pathogenesis.
Fraser Clark
Assistant Professor, Department of Animal Science and Aquaculture
molecular immunology; crustacean microbiomes; marine pathogen genomics; pathogen-host-environment interactions
W. Ford Doolittle
Professor Emeritus, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Comparative prokaryote genomics; the Tree of Life; evolutionary theory
Zoe Finkel
Professor and Tier I Canada Research Chair, Department of Oceanography
Biological oceanography; phytoplankton biogeography; climate change
Travis Gagie
Associate Professor, Faculty of Computer Science
Data structures; data compression; bioinformatics; pangenomics
Daniel Gaston
Assistant Professor, Department of Pathology and Clinical Bioinformatician, N.S. Health Authority
Cancer genomics; clinical bioinformatics; disease genomics; microbial genomic surveillance
Nicanor Gonzalez-Morales
Assistant Professor, Department of Biology
Drosophila genetics; muscle biology; protein-protein interactions
Michael W. Gray
Professor Emeritus, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Comparative genomics; RNA processing; small RNA biology
Hong Gu
Professor, Department of Mathematics and Statistics
Comparative phylogenomics; spectral analysis; statistical analysis of gene and genome evolution
Lam Ho
Associate Professor and Tier II Canada Research Chair, Department of Mathematics and Statistics
Statistical theory and methods; machine learning; evolutionary biology
Andrew Irwin
Professor, Department of Mathematics and Statistics
Statistical and mathematical models in biological oceanography; phytoplankton ecology; remote sensing
Yunfei Jiang
Assistant Professor, Department of Plant, Food, and Environmental Sciences
Agronomy, environmental stress physiology, omics
Tobias Karakach
Assistant Professor, Department of Pharmacology
Toby Kenney
Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics and Statistics
Morgan Langille
Professor and Tier II Canada Research Chair, Department of Pharmacology
Human-microbial interactions; bioinformatics of microbiome data;
Julie LaRoche
Professor, Department of Biology (Marine Biogeochemistry) and Tier I Canada Research Chair
Marine microbes; phytoplankton; nitrogen fixation
Finlay Maguire
Assistant Professor, Faculty of Computer Science & Faculty of Medicine (Community Health and Epidemiology); Pathogenomics Bioinformatics Lead, Shared Hospital Laboratory, Toronto
Genomic epidemiology, microbial bioinformatics, infectious diseases, metagenomics, collaborative health data science
Craig McCormick
University Research Professor, Department of Microbiology & Immunology
Virology; antiviral drug discovery; cancer
Younes Miar
Assistant Professor & Industry Research Chair, Department of Animal Genomics and Bioinformatics
animal breeding and genomics; computational genomics; genomic selection; bioinformatics
Andrew J. Roger
CGEB Founding Director, Professor and Tier I Canada Research Chair, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Phylogenetics; diversity and evolution of mitochondria; evolutionary modeling of genes and genomes
John Rohde
Associate Professor, Department of Microbiology and Immunology
Bacterial virulence; host-pathogen interactions; synthetic biology
Daniel Ruzzante
Killam Professor, Department of Biology
Ecology and evolution; genetics; marine biology
Alastair G.B. Simpson
Professor, Department of Biology
Protist diversity and evolution; ultrastructure; phylogenomics
Claudio Slamovits
Professor, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Gene and genome evolution; parasitism; symbiosis
Shannon Sterling
Associate Professor, Department of Earth Sciences
Global water cycle; land-atmosphere interactions; terrestrial acidification
Edward Susko
Killam Professor, Department of Mathematics and Statistics
Molecular evolution; statistical modeling; phylogenetic reconstruction
Nikhil Thomas
Professor, Department of Microbiology and Immunology, and Medicine (Division of Infectious Diseases)
Microbial pathogenesis; microbiome and gastrointestinal disease; molecular and cellular biology
Chris Whidden
Assistant Professor, Faculty of Computer Science
Evolutionary trees and networks, hybridization and lateral gene transfer, NP-hardness, Oceans data analytics
Norbert Zeh
Professor and Tier II Canada Research Chair, Faculty of Computer Science
Algorithms and data structures; computational phylogenetics; high-performance computing
ICG Research Associates
Katherine Dunn
Research Associate, Department of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
Matthew A. Lemay
Research Scientist, Hakai Institute
Marine biodiversity, microbial ecology, population genetics, environmental DNA (eDNA), DNA barcoding
ICG Adjunct Members
Johan van Limbergen
Adjunct Professor, Department of Pediatrics, Dalhousie University and Paediatric Gastroenterologist, Division of Paediatric Gastroenterology & Nutrition, Emma Children's Hospital, Tytgat Institute for Liver and Intestinal Research, Amsterdam University Medical Centres, The Netherlands
Pediatric gastroenterology; inflammatory bowel disease; metagenomics
Svetlana Yurgel
Research Scientist, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Grain Legume Genetics and Physiology Research Unit, Pullman, WA; and Adjunct Professor, Department of Plant, Food and Environmental Sciences, Faculty of Agriculture, Dalhousie University
Plant growth and development; microbial diversity; plant-microbe interactions
ICG Honorary Members
Christopher A. Field
Professor Emeritus, Department of Mathematics and Statistics
Statistical modelling and inference in molecular biology and ecology; development of robust methods and corresponding inference in phylogenetics; diagnostics and measures of influence in phylogeny; spectral envelope methods for tree construction.
Robert W. Lee
Adjunct Professor, Department of Biology
Factors shaping genome architecture and evolutionary dynamics associated with the secondary loss of photosynthesis in microalgae; Polytomella biology and genomics.
ICG | Institute for Comparative Genomics © 2021