Virtual workshop: Development of a university-wide genomics and bioinformatics training program
Friday, May 6th, 2022, 9:45 AM – 3:45 PM
ICG has received funding from Dalhousie’s Research Centres and Institutes Next Wave Fund to support a workshop on genomics and bioinformatics. The goal is to lay the groundwork for a collaborative, interdisciplinary, inclusive, and outward-facing training program that serves the needs of Dalhousie researchers and trainees working at the interface of genomics, bioinformatics and information science. To that end the event will bring together (i) faculty, staff and trainees from across the university, (ii) stakeholders from Dalhousie’s research and leadership communities, (iii) representatives from the Faculty of Graduate Studies, and (iv) receptor community members from diverse employment sectors (government agencies, environmental monitoring companies, biotech companies, etc.).
The workshop report can be downloaded here.