
Recent News

ICG member Joseph Bielawski awarded the 2024 Dr. Anne Marie Ryan Community Growth Award which recognizes commitment to education, learning, and outreach at Dalhousie.

Please read more here.

ICG member Michael Gray received an honorary degree from Dalhousie at the Spring Convocation (2024)

Dr. Michael Gray Paradigm-shifting biochemist Tuesday, May 28 (9:00 a.m. ceremony — Faculty of Medicine) In the 1950s and ’60s, one particular theory of how the...

ICG Director John Archibald receives the 2024 Canadian Science Publishing Senior Investigator Award by the Canadian Society for Molecular Biosciences (CSMB)

Dr. John Archibald has been named as this year’s recipient of the Canadian Science Publishing Senior Investigator Award by the Canadian Society for Molecular...

Congratulations to ICG trainees Sari Matar, Landon Getz, and Brent Robicheau, winners of the 2024 Gray-Doolittle Awards for Research Excellence.

The Gray-Doolittle Awards for Research Excellence were established in 2018 to acknowledge the outstanding scientific contributions of emeritus professors Michael W....

ICG trainees Dr. Joran Martijn and Cedric Blais appointed ICG Seminar and Social Media Coordinators (2024)

Dr. Joran Martijn, a Research Associate in the Roger Lab, and Ph.D. student Cedric Blais in the Archibald lab have agreed to serve as ICG Seminar and Social Media...

ICG Member Finlay Maguire receives Dalhousie President’s Research Excellence Award – Emerging Investigator (2023)

Dalhousie’s Emerging Investigator awards recognize early-career researchers (within seven years of their first academic appointment) who have demonstrated a high level...

ICG Member Dr. Ford Doolittle named to the Royal Society for contributions to science (2023)

Dr. Ford Doolittle has been elected to join the ranks of Stephen Hawking, Isaac Newton, Charles Darwin, Lise Meitner, and other leading scientists throughout history in...

ICG Member Erin Bertrand receives Dalhousie Emerging Investigator Award (2022)

Dalhousie’s Emerging Investigator awards recognize early-career researchers (within seven years of their first academic appointment) who have demonstrated a high level...

News Archive

Undergraduate student, Elizabeth Weston (Simpson lab) won the Junior Award, and Postdoctoral Fellow, Gina Filloramo (Archibald lab) won the Senior Award for the 2023 Gray-Doolittle Awards for Research Excellence

PhD student Shannon Sibbald (Archibald & Roger labs) awarded the 2022 Faculty of Medicine Excellence in Research Award

 Undergraduate student, Emma Fennessy (Archibald lab) won the Junior Award, and PhD student, Noor Youssef (Bielawski & Susko labs) won the Senior Award for the 2022 Gray-Doolittle Awards for Research Excellence

ICG member, Erin Bertrand (Biology) receives Dalhousie Emerging Investigator Award (2022)

ICG Director, John Archibald elected Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada (2022)

 ICG member, Alastair Simpson awarded the 2022 Killam Professorship

Biology Department graduate students Loay Jabre, Catherine Bannon, Scott McCain and Yana Eglit published a guide to help prospective doctoral students choose a supervisor. PLOS Computational Biology (2021):

 ICG member, Julie LaRoche (Biology) elected Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada (2021)

 ICG member, Lam Ho receives 2021 Killam Prize

 ICG member, Michael Gray (Professor Emeritus) elected AAS Fellow (2021)

Dr. Katherine Dunn awarded CGEB Research Associate status, 2020

Zhenyu Cheng wins 2020 President’s Research Excellence Award

Erin Bertrand was awarded Killam Prize, Dalhousie University, 2020

Sean Myles has received Experienced Research Excellence Award, Faculty of Agriculture, 2020

John Archibald was awarded Miescher-Ishida Prize, International Society of Endocytobiology& University of Tübingen, 2019

Ford Doolittle was awarded the Royal Society of Canada’s McLaughlin Medal for 2019

Bruce Curtis (PDF, Archibald/Roger lab) was awarded the 2018 Schnare-Spencer Prize (an annual award for technical excellence/innovation), Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

November 2018-Erin Bertrand won the Emerging Professional Award at the 16th Annual Discovery Awards

Sergio Munoz (Slamovits – Roger labs) was awarded the Doug Hogue Award for 2017/18. The award recognizes excellent achievement in research by a graduate student in the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

Spring 2018—Morgan Colp (Archibald Lab) has won the Peter Dolphin Memorial Prize in Biochemistry (for the best overall honours research project) as well as the University Medal in Biochemistry (highest academic standing to a graduating student in the Biochemistry program)

Andrew Roger is the 2017 recipient of the Max Forman Senior Research Prize from the Dalhousie Medical Research Foundation

Ford Doolittle is the 2017 recipient of the prestigious Killam Prize in the Natural Sciences from the Canada Council for the Arts

Erin Bertrand has received the Simon’s Early Career Investigator in Marine Microbial Ecology and Evolution Award (April 2017)

Sophie de Vries (PDF, Slamovits lab) has been awarded a Killam Postdoctoral Fellowship (2017-2019)

John Archibald is an Elected Member of the College of New Scholars, Artists and Scientists of the Royal Society of Canada (2016-2021)

John Archibald was awarded a University Research Professorship from Dalhousie University (2016-2021)

Laura Eme (PDF, Roger lab) was awarded the 2015 Schnare-Spencer Prize (an annual award for technical excellence/innovation), Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

Courtney Stairs (PDF, Roger lab) was awarded the the 2015 Patrick Prize (an annual award for best PhD thesis and defence), Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

Edward Susko was appointed a Killam Professor of Mathematics and Statistics (July 1, 2015 – June 30, 2020). Killam Professorships recognize the careers of the most outstanding scientists who have made great contributions to their field.

John Archibald was elected Fellow of the American Academy of Microbiology (2015)

John Archibald was nominated Vice-President of the International Society of Protistologists (2015)

Andrew Roger was elected Fellow of the American Academy of Microbiology (2014)

Ford Doolittle was awarded the 2013 NSERC Gerhard Herzberg Canada Gold Medal for Science and Engineering (funding 2014-2019)

John Archibald was the recipient of the 2014 Seymour H. Hutner Young Investigator Prize from ISOP

Christian Blouin received the Dalhousie Computer Science Srini Award for Excellence in Teaching (2014)

Andrew Roger was nominated President of the International Society for Evolutionary Protistology (2013-14)

Congratulations to Susan Sharpe (graduate student, Roger lab) for her 3 year CGSD-NSERC Scholarship (2013-16)

Mike Gray was elected Fellow of the American Academy of Microbiology (2013)

Dan Gaston was the winner of the 2012 Dr. Oswald Avery Prize for Genetics Research from the Faculty of Medicine

Congratulations to Andrew Roger on being elected Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada (2012)

Courtney Stairs (PhD student, Roger lab) was awarded the Doug Hogue Award 2011-2012 in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

Michelle Leger (Ph.D student, Roger lab) received a 2-yr. Scotia Scholarship from the Nova Scotia Health Research Foundation, commencing Sept. 2012

Christian Blouin was the recipient of the 2012 Dean’s Award for Excellence in Teaching-Computer Science

Alastair Simpson received the 2012 Seymour Hutner Young Investigator Award from ISOP

Courtney Stairs was awarded an NSERC Michael Smith Foreign Study Supplement (2012)

Congratulations to Morgan Langille (PDF, Beiko lab) who received a CIHR Fellowship, April 2012

Congratulations to Ford Doolittle for induction into the NS Discovery Centre Hall of Fame (2011)

Mahdi Shafiei (PDF, Bielawski lab) received a Postdoctoral Research Fellowhip from ACEnet/Sun Microsystems (2011-2012)

Sergio Hleap Lozano (Ph.D. student, Blouin lab) received a full scholarship from The Francisco Jose de Caldas Scholarship Program (COLCIENCIAS), Columbia (2012)

Aaron Heiss (Ph.D. student, Simpson lab) received a 2-yr. Postdoctoral Fellowship from the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science – commenced at end of 2011

Christa Moore won a Eukaryotic Cell Young Investigator Award at the July 2011 PSA/ISOP meeting in Seattle, and also received an ISOP Holtz-Connor Student Travel Award

Ed Susko has been awarded the 2011 CRM-SSC Prize in Statistics from the Statistical Society of Canada and the Centre de recherches mathematiques

Christa Moore (Ph.D. student, Archibald lab) received a 2011 NSERC PGS-D3 (PhD) Scholarship, and the Dalhousie President’s Award

Dr. Shinichiro Maruyama (Archibald lab) received a 2011 JSPS Postdoctoral Fellowship

Christopher Whidden (Ph.D. student, Beiko lab) received the Killam Predoctoral Scholarship Award (2011)

Courtney Stairs (Ph.D. student, Roger lab) received the Alexander Graham Belle Canada Graduate Scholarship from NSERC (3 yrs.), a Killam Predoctoral Level 2 Scholarship (2-3 yrs.) and the Dalhousie President Award (2 yrs.)

Andrew Roger received a 5-year renewal on his NSERC Discovery Grant – Individual (April 2011)

Tommy Harding (Roger lab) received an NSERC PGS-D PhD Scholarship for 3 years, and the Dalhousie University’s President’s Award (2011)

Ford Doolittle, Joseph Bielawski, Robert Beiko & Marc Ereshefsky received a 3-year CIHR Emerging Team Grant: Canadian Microbiome Initiative (2010-13)